My Reverence

Sweet Quiet Books
More Pages Coming Soon

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Yellow Packet #3
Colored Pages Are "Finished Samples"
Page Styles May Vary
Copyright© 2006 All Rights Reserved
Yellow Packet #3 includes the following 10 "pre printed" pages (onto heavy duty Pellon®)
instructions and patterns at $39.99.

1. - 2.
String a "Fruit Hoop" necklace. - Cereal bowl pocket with "fabric fruit hoops" to string onto a shoe lace (necklace). Treat pocket for cereal and shoe string licorice.
3. -
What are little girls made of? - Removable purse for little girl's stuff. Mirror, comb, chap stick, necklace, bracelet, earrings, candy necklace etc.
4. -
What are little boys made of? - Removable car garage for boy's stuff. Car map and car(s), small plastic animals, treat pocket etc.
5. - 6.
"I Spy" quilt match up. - Match up fabrics and pictures. 18 different fabric pockets with 18 tags to match up. Example: beehive tag - bee fabric pocket, chicken tag - egg fabric pocket, trumpet tag - music fabric pocket, flower tag - grass fabric pocket, snowman tag - snowflake fabric poceket, etc. Fabrics can be purchased separately while my supplies last.
7. -
Take a good look, at your new book. - Your choice of a story book on a book worm page.
8. - 9.
What can you spell? - Help a child to spell. Two soup bowl pockets with 2 sets of letters inside to spell words up to 10 letters.
10. -
Grandfather Clock goes "Tick" "Tock". - Help a child learn to tell time. clock pocket with 20 clock pieces to set the time on the clock.

Ordering Information:(For orders placed outside the Continental United States, please contact us for a shipping quote)
Quiet Book Yellow Packet #3 Complete

Individual Page Name
Individual Unfinished Pages
Individual Finished Pages
String a "Fruit Hoop" necklace (2 pages)
$9.00 pr
$36.00 pr
What are little girls made of?
$4.50 ea
$28.00 ea
What are little boys made of?
$4.50 ea
$28.00 ea
"I Spy" quilt match up (2 pages)
$8.75 pr
$48.00 pr
Take a good look at your new book
$3.50 ea
$14.00 ea
What can you spell? (2 pages)
$8.75 pr
$44.00 pr
Grandfather Clock goes "Tick" "Tock"
$5.00 ea
$22.00 ea

"Heavy Duty" Finished Covers - Unisex
$39.99 ea
"Heavy Duty" Finished Covers - Boy
$39.99 ea
"Heavy Duty" Finished Covers - Girl
$39.99 ea
"Heavy Duty" L.D.S. Finished Cover - Unisex
$39.99 ea
"Heavy Duty" L.D.S. Finished Cover - Boy
$39.99 ea
"Heavy Duty" L.D.S. Finished Cover - Girl
$39.99 ea
Heavy Duty Pellon® and Wonder Under® Packet for Quiet Book Yellow Packet #3
$30.75 ea

Specific Items Needed For Packet #3
  • 1/4" Ribbon(s) and Buttons to Decorate Purse
  • Small Items to go Inside Purse (Mirror, Comb, Necklace, Earrings, Candy Necklace Etc.)
  • Embroidery Floss
  • Medium Rick-Rack and Buttons to Decorate Tool Box
  • Small Items to go Inside Tool Box (Car, Plastic Animals, Candy Watch Etc...)
  • Small Book
  • 1 30" Shoelace
  • 1 1/2" Brad
  • Small Piece of Clear Plastic ("Translucent Heavy Duty Template Plastic) for Clock
  • Pellon® - 3 3/4 yards (heavy duty #65 wt.) can be purchsed separately
  • Wonder Under® - 5 yards (heavy duty) can be purchased separately
  • 3/4" Sticky Back Loop Velcro®

Note: Pellon® and Wonder Under® - This is the recommended yardage to reinforce pages/pieces using
the "Heavy Method" in packet instructions.

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My Reverence