My Reverence

Sweet Quiet Books
More Pages Coming Soon

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non-religious pages.

Red Packet #1
Colored Pages Are "Finished Samples"
Page Styles May Vary
Copyright © 2006 All Rights Reserved
Red Packet #1 includes the following 10 "pre printed" pages (onto heavy duty Pellon®)
instructions and patterns at $39.99.

1. Unzip my tummy.
Turtle with zipper treat pocket.
2. April showers. 6 colors and shapes to match up.
3. Count and match 10 gumballs. Learn numbers 1-10 by matching up gumballs - gumball treat pocket.
4. Read and match numbers 1-12. Read and match up numbers one - twelve with a bunch of grapes.
5. Do you know your senses? Teach a child about their senses. Match up "Canmeron the Clowns" eyes, nose, mouth, ears and hand.
6. Have you learned to sew today? - 4 Pellon sewing/lacing cards - sail boat, fish, ice cream cone and a truck.
7. Match the shapes. Teach a child 8 different shapes and color match up.
8. What's hot! What's not! Child can separate 12 pictures of hot and cold things. Ice cream cone, pop, milk, snowman, popsicle match, soup, campfire, candle, chimney etc...
9. Old McDonald had a farm. Sing song using glove puppets with 10 farm animals. Cow, horse, pig, duck, sheep, mouse, cat, dog, rabbit and a rooster.
10. Braid my hair and tie my bows. Braid and tie a doll's hair.

Ordering Information: (For orders placed outside the Continental United States, please contact us for a shipping quote)
Quiet Book Red Packet #1 Complete

Individual Page Name
Individual Unfinished Pages
Individual Finished Pages
Unzip my tummy
$4.50 ea
$18.00 ea
April Showers
$4.50 ea
$16.00 ea
Count and match 10 gumballs
$6.25 ea
$18.00 ea
Read and match numbers 1-12
$6.25 ea
$18.00 ea
Do you know your senses?
$5.75 ea
$16.00 ea
Have you learned to sew today?
$8.75 ea
$18.00 ea
Match the shapes
$4.50 ea
$16.00 ea
What's Hot! What's not?
$4.50 ea
$16.00 ea
Old McDonald had a farm
$5.75 ea
$18.00 ea
Braid Doll
$4.50 ea
$20.00 ea

"Heavy Duty" Finished Covers - Unisex
$39.99 ea
"Heavy Duty" Finished Covers - Boy
$39.99 ea
"Heavy Duty" Finished Covers - Girl
$39.99 ea
"Heavy Duty" L.D.S. Finished Cover - Unisex
$39.99 ea
"Heavy Duty" L.D.S. Finished Cover - Boy
$39.99 ea
"Heavy Duty" L.D.S. Finished Cover - Girl
$39.99 ea
Heavy Duty Pellon® and Wonder Under® Packet for Quiet Book Red Packet #1
$19.00 ea
Specific Items Needed For Packet #1
  • Yarn
  • 1/4" Ribbon
  • 1 36" Athletic Shoelace
  • 7" Zipper
  • 1 Pair Childs Stretchy Gloves
  • Pellon® - 2 3/8 yards (heavy duty #65 wt.) can be purchsed separately
  • Wonder Under® - 3 yards (heavy duty) can be purchased separately

Note: Pellon® and Wonder Under® - This is the recommended yardage to reinforce pages/pieces using
the "Heavy Method" in packet instructions.

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non-religious pages.
My Reverence